· judaism vs zionism · 5 min read

Judaism vs. Zionism Overview

Zionism has been predicated on a hostility to the Jewish faith

Zionism has been predicated on a hostility to the Jewish faith

Judaism vs Zionism


Zionism is a form of Jewish nationalism reliant on the establishment of a Jewish majority within Palestine. It was marginal belief amongst the Jewish people until very recently in Jewish history.

Marginal Belief

Some of the most prominent Jews in history rejected the colonial-settler conception of Zionism. From Albert Einstein to Hannah Arendt

Jewish Faith Condemns War Crimes

The abuses committed by the colonial-settler Zionist regime over its 75 years history are contradictory to the just teachings of the Jewish faith.

Zionist Attack of Jews

Non-Zionist Jews have been actively undermined by and even murdered for opposing Zionists, including Jews who had been living in Palestine for centuries.

Christian Zionists

Evangelical Christian Zionists existed before Jewish Zionists and the biggest supporters of Zionism. They viewed the establishment of Israel within Palestine merely as a tool to bring about the second coming of Christ. Many Christian Zionists have themselves have been antisemitic.

Zionism Cuts Jews From Their Roots

Zionism has divorced the Jewish diaspora from the deep and varied cultural manifestations of Judaism over its thousands of years of history. A deep connection that Zionists tried to sever through 75 years of misinformation and historical revisionism.

Many Jews Oppose Zionism Today

Many Jews today reject Zionism as a settler-colonial political ideology which increases rather than combats antisemitism.

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Jews Against Zionism

Some of the most notable Jewish leaders and thinkers of the modern era have opposed the Zionist treatment of Palestinians. Albert Einstein, one of the most famous scientists of the modern era, Hannah Arendt, one of the foremost philosophers of the last century, and Noam Chomsky, the father of modern linguistics — have been withering in their assessment of genocidal actions of Israel.

lbert Einstein

Albert Einstein in 1921. Photo by Ferdinand Schmutzer

On the massacre of Palestinians during the Nakba, Einstein wrote:

…The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party. Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority.

Hannah Arendt wrote:

…Zionists, if they continue to ignore the Mediterranean peoples and watch out only for the big far-away powers, will appear only as their tools, the agents of foreign and hostile interests. Jews who know their own history should be aware that such a state of affairs will inevitably lead to a new wave of Jew-hatred; the antisemitism of tomorrow will assert that Jews not only profiteered from the presence of the foreign big powers in that region but had actually plotted it and hence are guilty of the consequences.

Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt in a Paris café, in 1935. Photograph by Hannah Arendt Bluecher Literary Trust

Further examples of independent Jewish voices from history can be found here.


Modern Anti-Zionist Jewish Movements

Today an increasing number of Jewish and Israeli people are disillusioned with the fanatical and fascistic nature of Zionist actions. Notable voices include:

  • The Jewish Voice for Peace is an anti-Zionist Jewish activist organization in the United States. It states: “We envision our communities beginning to heal from the Zionist movement’s attempts to dilute and erase many of our diasporic histories, languages, and traditions.”

  • European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP) is a federation of 11 European Jewish peace groups campaigning in 9 countries throughout Europe against the occupation of the Palestinian Territories by Israel.

  • B’Tselem is an Israeli human rights organisation documenting human rights violations in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, it has stated:

Israel’s ongoing, prolonged control over millions of people, whose lives are subject to its wants and needs, is unjustifiable, inexcusable and unacceptable.


Jewish Faith Against Zionism

Jewish Scripture on the Palestinian Genocide

The actions of the Zionist government are in clear contradiction to the humane and just teachings of Jewish scripture.

Traditional Jewish teachings emphasize the sanctity of life, the mandate to “love the stranger,” and the pursuit of peace and justice set a high ethical standard. Zionists must reflect on whether the current state of Israel aligns with the ideals of compassion, fairness, and respect for all people that are deeply rooted in Jewish tradition.

“Seek peace, and pursue it.”, “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”

In Leviticus 19:18, the Jewish bible explicitly instructs, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your neighbour as yourself: I am the LORD.”

Click here to find more direct quotes from Jewish scripture clearly contradicting the Zionist project.



Zionism, conceptualised as a colonial endeavour, emerged in the 19th century, primarily shaped by a group of secular Jewish intellectuals. Among these, the Austro-Hungarian activist Theodor Herzl was particularly instrumental in its development. From its inception, Zionism encountered robust opposition within the Jewish community, encompassing both the established orthodox and secular factions. This internal resistance gave rise to some of the most incisive and powerful critiques of Zionism, originating from within the Jewish tradition itself. Zionism was a radical departure from traditional Jewish thought, for some, it was an heretical departure from thousands of years of religious practice within the Jewish community.

Click here to find out more to find out more about historical opposition to Zionism from Jews


Jewish Heroes Opposing Zionism

It is no surprise, that some of the most vociferous critics of Zionism are those Jews who had suffered the most in Europe during the rise of anti-semitism and the Holocaust. The Zionists, as the original founder Herzl himself, had made agreements with anti-semitic regimes including the Nazis. This resulted in many more Jews being killed due to the agreement. Some of the most prominent Holocast survivors, heroes of the Jewish resistance were vehemently opposed to Zionism.

Click here to find out more about Jewish heroes such as Dr. Rudolf Vrba and Marek Edelman

Christian Zionism

Since the late 16th century, some Christians supported the idea of Jewish settlement in Palestine as a confirmation of their religious beliefs, seeing it as a precursor to the Messiah’s return. This proto-Zionism was articulated before the colonial version advocated by Jewish Zionists in the 19th century. Israeli historian Anita Shapira suggests that England’s Zionist evangelical Christians “passed this notion on to Jewish circles” around the 1840s but this was largely met with hostility from British Jews.

In some Christian Zionist movements, this support was and has always been intertwined with anti-Semitic sentiments, as it aligned with the desire of nation states to rid Europe of Jewish minorities, while also fulfilling a divine plan for the end of times.

A 2017 survey conducted in the United States revealed that 80% of evangelical Christians held the belief that the establishment of Israel in 1948 was a realization of biblical prophecy, heralding the return of Christ. Additionally, over 50% of Evangelical Christians expressed their support for Israel, citing its significance in fulfilling this prophecy.

The complex interplay between support for Zionism and antisemitism advocated by Christian Zionists can be best exemplified by the words of the current leader of Christians United for Israel, John Hagee, who had claimed that “God sent Adolf Hitler to help Jews reach the promised land”.


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